Friday, May 15

Update for 5/15/09

Time to update some more of my posts.

First of all, I'm proud to say I started the C25K program this week. And I am feeling really good so far, so God willing, I'm sticking with it. Anything to get closer to my pre-children body.

Now, for the Household and Finance section:

15. Get into a solid housekeeping schedule and stick to it for three months. - Well, let's say I have at least devised a theoretical schedule. I've yet to stick to it for more than two days. Baby steps!!

16. Frame and hang photos and prints that are waiting to go up. - Yes, as soon as I have some extra money and buy some frames. I am also devoting one space on the wall where I am going to frame a bunch of the kids' artwork.

17. Apply feng shui in at least three areas in the house. - Not yet. Have to clean it first.

18. Organize my recipes and purge the cookbooks I don't use. - I actually did get rid of a few cookbooks, but the six-inch high (at least!) pile of loose recipes I have desperately needs attention.

19. Try one new recipe each month. - I actually try new recipes all the time, so this one is a no-brainer for me. At some point I will post some of the winners.

20. Create and maintain a family budget. - Maybe one day when we actually have some money - LOL.

21. Start an IRA - not yet.

22. Make sure we have enough life insurance. - I think we're okay, but I do need to check this.

23. Begin regular deposits into the kids' college accounts. - Regular? No.

24. Start chores and allowances for the kids. - One of these days.

25. Bake a cheesecake. - If anyone has a good fail-proof recipe, send it on.

26. Shop regularly at the local resale shop. - Again, regularly? Not yet.

27. Establish an emergency savings fund. - ha!

28. Come up with a regular meal planning system. - in progress

29. Organize and maintain our paperwork. - in good progress

30. Buy a stock. - not yet

31. Make our bed every day. - I was doing really well on this, but lately not so much.

32. Go one week without spending any money. - Close, but no cigar.

Tuesday, May 5

How time flies ... time to update the list!

Well, well ... as is customary for me, I started this wonderful project and haven't been able to give it the time and attention it deserves. But(!) I have been making some headway nonetheless. I thought it was time to give a little update to let those of you following this know what the heck is going on with me and my nutty list.

So, taking it section by section:

Health & Fitness
1. Complete Couch to 5K program - yeeeaaaah ... haven't really started this one. Really need to get my butt off the couch before it gets any larger. Really, really do want to do this. Seems that working out is difficult to schedule when I am home alone with the kiddos from 5:00a to 3:30 or so, and then I start working (from home) at 4:00, until late at night. Must, MUST give this one more attention.

2. Run in a 5K - see above

3. Run in a 10K - again, see above

4. Run in a half-marathon - good lord, see above

5. Run in a marathon - God willing, this WILL happen by 2011!

6. Get entire family on regular doctor/dentist visit schedule - hey, actually working on this one - pats on the back for me.

7. Participate in Avon Walk for Breast Cancer - maybe next year.

8. Get back into the habit of taking a daily multi-vitamin - DONE!

9. Find a good doctor for fibromyalgia - as it turns out, there are no fibro specialists in the area. Not even in Chicago. Go figure. Closest is apparently Ann Arbor, Michigan, which doesn't do me much good. I did, however, find a rheumatologist who is willing to treat me, and work with me rather than be dismissive.

10. Try the fibromyalgia protocol from Fibromyalgia Treatment Center - Done, as in I decided not to do it after all.

10. Join the YMCA - not so much yet.

11. Walk the dogs regularly - hey, I actually started this. Yes, I did. Now, consider that Zoe can't walk more than a block and Echo thinks she can, but not really. But still, even short walks count for little dogs.

12. Give up soda for 30 days (0/30) - I am about to pee my pants I'm laughing so hard at this. Maybe in a few months. Caffiene is close to my only vice these days.

13. Try yoga for one month (0/30) - Does it count if I tried it once?

14. Get prescription sunglasses - one of these days. I need new regular glasses first, as Echo thought my current pair would be nice to chew on.